These days, you can’t buy much for a buck. So it’s not surprising that Americans are drawn to fast-food value menus—and why chains like McDonald's are on the short list of companies expected to thrive in the tanking economy.
But while a $3 dinner sounds like a great deal, it comes with an added health cost. The wrong combination of cheap foods can easily add up to more than 1,000 calories and a whole day's worth of fat. The end result? Let’s just say you’ll have a lot more than a fat wallet to squeeze in to your pants.
The good news is that a number of restaurants have recognized diners desire to cut costs and added healthier options to their dollar menu. Here are five fast-food lunches that will keep you well under budget—in fat and calories, and dollars and cents. Just click on the links below.
The Cheapest Healthy Lunch at Wendy’s
The Cheapest Healthy Lunch at Taco Bell
The Cheapest Healthy Lunch at Subway
The Cheapest Healthy Lunch at McDonald’s
The Cheapest Healthy Lunch at Burger King